Why Do Your Cargo Pants Shrink After Washing?

Looking for fits that combine functionality with style? Well, there is nothing better to look for than cargo pants. Cargo pants have consistently stood out in changing times, trends, and generations. A perfect fusion of practicality and looks, cargo pants are a staple in everyone’s wardrobe, providing them with just the right comfort and making them look stylish and sporty. It has features that you cannot even think of that make it unique. But have you ever taken out your pants from the wardrobe and realized that they do not fit you the way they did earlier? Well, you are not alone. There are reasons that the pants refuse to fit you properly. Let us get to the root of this problem and come up with the best solution. 

  1. Fabric composition matters: Certain types of fabric can impact the size of the cloth after washing. When it comes to washing cotton cargo pants, there is a high chance that the pants will shrink since it is very sensitive to heat and water, while polyester and synthetic fabrics are resistant to shrinking. However, they can still be blended with cotton. Cargo pants for men made of denim tend to shrink due to high cotton concentrations, but they are mostly very durable. 

  2. Impact of water and detergent: The quality of water highly impacts the shrinking of the cargo pants. If the water used is hard, it makes the cloth stiffer and prone to shrinkage. Additionally, strong detergents can break down the fabric, which leads to gradual shrinkage. This is particularly true for pants made from natural fibers like cotton.

  3. Improper storage and handling: Storage of anything highly impacts its time duration and quality. Storing cargo pants exposed to heat and moisture can make them more likely to shrink. Exposing them in a hot atmosphere can end up in shrinkage. That is why it is recommended that you hand your trousers to men in cool water. 

  4. Overwashing: Cargo pants do not show a dramatic change in size just after washing but they can shrink eventually and gradually. Repeated washing can make them shrink over time. The more you wash and dry them, the more stress is placed on the fibers, which can lead to gradual shrinkage.

  5. Steps to prevent cargo pants from shrinking: 

  • To prevent shrinking, wash the cargo pants in cold water, which helps prevent the fibers from contracting. 

  • Avoid high heat and tumble dry your pants on low heat or air dry them. 

  • It is best to turn the pants inside out to reduce friction and help maintain the fit and color. 

  • Avoid over-washing. 

Cargo pants are a go-to option for many but the fact that they tend to shrink is a frustrating issue. By analyzing the reasons, you can tackle this problem easily and serve a great look in your mens cargo pants. Remember, while shrinkage is often unavoidable with certain fabrics, following these simple tips can help you enjoy your cargo pants without worrying about them shrinking too much after each wash!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) :

1. What makes cargo pants shrink?
Reasons for cargo pants to shrink, include fabric composition, type of water and detergent used, and how it is stored. 

2. What are the materials that shrink the most in cargo pants?
Fabrics like cotton tend to shrink easily after a few washes. 

3. Do men's cargo pants made of polyester shrink?
No, cargo pants made of synthetic materials can withstand water and heat. 

4. How do detergents affect cargo pants?
If the detergent used is very strong, it can make the fabric of the pants shrink. 

5. Is it recommended to air-dry the cargo pants?
Yes, air drying can prevent shrinking. 

6. What are the steps to maintain the fit and color of cargo pants?
Washing cargo pants in cold water and letting them air dry is advised. Avoid over-washing.